Über shallow I know, but here is a Top of The Pops-style rundown of the 5 hottest blokes in the Universe, in my humble opinion:
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#1 - David Tennant - Sex. On. Legs. I am so in love with this man, I don't quite know what to do with myself. He first came to my attention as The Doctor - before that I'd ashamedly never heard of him before - but I quite happily fancy him in all guises; even as the rather camp Ghost of Christmas Present, in Catherine Tate's Nan's Christmas Carol (Anderson, 2009). It's not just looking at him either; his voice has the same cataclysmic effect. Whenever I hear that gorgeous Scottish timbre, I get this massive cheesy grin on my face, go all giggley, and my heartbeat increases by, like, a thousand BPM. Surely that's love, right? He is literally in a universe of his own, and anyone else I claim to be attracted to, comes a very distant runner-up. Oh, and he's a phenomenally brilliant actor too. |
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#2 - Johnny Depp. Yes, I know basically anybody with eyes and a pulse fancies The Depp, but I'm sorry, when someone is that pretty I just gotta go with the flow. Also, he makes a damn fine pirate! It feels very wrong to find mucky old Captain Jack Sparrow attractive, but I can't help it; think it's the eyes. |
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#4 - John Barrowman. Very gay: check. Slight look of Tom Cruise: check (and immediately moving on), but still; he looks great in a military jacket, as evidenced in his portrayal of Torchwood's Captain Jack Harkness. Oooo, another Captain Jack, I see a pattern emerging... albeit a very short one, he was the last. |
That's that then... well sort of. The above Top 5 are just that, but I also wanna pay a brief homage to the following select few who unfortunately didn't make the shortlist. Well-played boys, well-played:
Joseph Fiennes - by name and nature. Particularly fine as Agent Benford in Flash Forward.
Jason Merrells - how happy am I that he's now in Emmerdale?
Jenson Button - such a shame that whenever he's on tv, he wears a silly helmet, and drives what can only be described as a Meccano car repeatedly around a track, yawn. He should get a proper job, like a tv news-reader, or naked model...
Christopher Eccleston - don't like him quite as much as I used to, but in that battered old leather jacket, with that accent; I wouldn't say no.
Aidan Turner - Being Human's Irish vampire, need I say more??
David Boreanaz - another David, and another vampire, this time Angel from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. He went through a brief fat and hairy stage after Buffy (see Dido's White Flag vid), but I believe normal hotness has been resumed.
Dark Handsome Stranger - he's studying for a PhD (a Doctorate, you mucky lot), and often sits in on one of my modules. Soooooooo lush, kinda like a young David Duchovny - whom I use to fancy, before he became a hairy 'sex addict' - AND he always sits opposite me (DHS, not Duchovny *shudders*.
South - one of my lecturers. Not typically 'good-looking' I suppose; kinda nerdy, which is a real turn on for me. Seems to have subscribed to the same school of fashion as the 10th Time Lord - suit/trainers *swoon*. Plus, he wears those black thick-rimmed glasses that Tennant made so ultra-sexy *double swoon*. God, maybe I'm more attracted to a 'look' rather than real actual people... *Thinks about Tennant and South without clothes*... Nahhhhh.
South - one of my lecturers. Not typically 'good-looking' I suppose; kinda nerdy, which is a real turn on for me. Seems to have subscribed to the same school of fashion as the 10th Time Lord - suit/trainers *swoon*. Plus, he wears those black thick-rimmed glasses that Tennant made so ultra-sexy *double swoon*. God, maybe I'm more attracted to a 'look' rather than real actual people... *Thinks about Tennant and South without clothes*... Nahhhhh.
Gok Wan - possibly a guilty pleasure (like Pot Noodle sandwhiches - don't knock till you've tried), but I find him really sexy! Love what he does in How To Look Good Naked too, though Legend doesn't. She says that, from a feminist perspective, making women believe that they need nice clothes in order to feel good about themselves is crap, and the whole getting naked ethos is just another form of objectification and voyeurism. But, as much as I respect Ledge, and bow to her superior wisdom; I disagree! The way I see it is that, yes Gok uses clothing to build up confidence, but by making women strutt their stuff in the buff, he's saying that we don't need all that clobber to look (and feel great); we can get the same sensation in our own skin. The fact that he often chooses people that aren't typically regarded in society as 'attractive'; disabled, disfigured, black, homosexual or larger women (and the occasional man) suggests that we're all in the same boat, and shoud be viewed equally; screw convention. He's made me cry too, and if a bloke makes me cry I generally end up falling in love with them. How fucked up am I?
Right, that's it then, gonna go put Doctor Who on Youtube now, and have that long-awaited cry. Though I do feel a tadge better, thinking about all these men. Not that fancying someone is ever gonna get me anywhere; it hasn't done so yet. Maybe I should just give up and be a nun. *Sigh*, come on then David, regenerate, again...
BW xxx
PS, song of the day: Sexy Boy by Air.
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