
MA Part II: Return of The Wolf

Back to school again tomorrow, not sure how I feel... On the one hand, hello freedom and independence (albeit briefly) from the ever-loving, ever-nagging parents.  On the other hand, oh bloody hell do I really have to go through all that again? 

Term 1 was, quite simply, Hell.  I hated it, and it hated me.  So much so, that when I saw my dear friend and PA, Gloria, last week, she said how 'rested' I looked, which was nice, till I realised this probably meant I looked totally shocking by the end of last term.  To be fair, I felt totally shocking. 

Ho hum, they all tell me this term's gonna feel easier, what with there only being one and a half modules compared to Term One's two and a half .  It can't posibly feel any worse, can it??  As my mother always says: 'we'll see', which generally means no, so going by that logic, maybe Term Two won't be such a breeze.  Still, I signed up for it, and there are now only 11 weeks between me and what will be my last ever seminar - I'm soooo Not doing a PhD.  I came to that scary realisation last night; I mean I'll still have the small matter of a 20,000 word dissertation to deal with, but once (if) I've got that done (September 12th), then what the hell do I do?  Get a job I suppose, Oh My God.

BW xxx

PS, woke up with John Murphy's In a Hearbeat - from the 28 Days Later (Boyle, 2002) soundtrack - in my head today.  Considering I've not seen the film for a fair while, and am thinking a lot about Uni, it doesn't bode well that my subconscious has chosen a piece of music that signifies the Apocalypse.  Either that, or the End really is nigh...


  1. Gloria says - what ever happened to the New Year's resolution to chill? You must chill.....chill chill. Whatever happens DON'T give up chocolate for Lent this year- that was a bad idea. You NEED chocolate!

  2. I promise I'll try Gloria; to chill I mean. You don't need to tell me twice about the chocolte, Never doing That to myself again. Ever. xxx

  3. Aren't you alergic to chocolate then ??

  4. Absolutely not, Anonymous. If anything, I like to use it as a form of self-medication ;) xxx

  5. u is such a liar it's a wonder ur tongue isn't black like ur hearrrrrrrt...

  6. where is that lovely sad story about those poor northeners?? have u deleted it cos it was bangin & u is jealous?? i hope they lace ur chocolate with rat poison...

  7. It's where you left it. Who the heck are you?


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