
Who is 'The Bad Wolf'?

I am the Bad Wolf.
I create myself.
I take the words; I scatter them, in time and space.
A message to lead myself here.

So, we've established that I am The Bad Wolf, but just where did this rather odd moniker come from, I hear you cry?  Well, sit still and I shall tell thee...

Two words: Doctor Who.  I was (and please note the italics) completely obssessed with Who when it was reinvented back in 2005.  I was going through a pretty rough patch (which I'll save for another time) and, quite frankly, Doctor Who gave me something to focus on; a form of escapism; something to live for even. 

On 26 March 2005, The Doctor, played by the brilliantly sexy Christopher Eccleston, turned up in his little blue box, and saved a bored young girl, who believed she had no future, and dreamt of a life beyond the one in which she was currently existing.  That girl was Rose Tyler (Billie Piper).  That girl was me.

There are many similarities between myself, Rose Tyler and Billie Piper, but I won't digress into those now.  The fact is, that while Rose travelled through time and space with The Doctor, the words 'Bad Wolf' constantly hounded them (pun definately intented), until the final episode of Series One, Parting of The Ways, when the truth behind this cryptic clue was revealed.

5 billion years in our future, the Doctor faced certain death at the hands (?) of his oldest enemy; the Daleks - hence why I questioned the use of the word 'hands', maybe plunger or whisk would be more appropriate.  Anyway, rather than risk Rose's life, he tricks her into entering the TARDIS, and sends her back home.  She's having none of it, and opens the 'heart' of the TARDIS in order to absorb the Time Vortex, and uses this power to return to The Doctor; which apparently is a very dangerous thing to do, so don't go trying ths at home kids.

Rose gets back to the future, saves The Doctor, and vapourises the Daleks (you go girl), and it is here that the meaning of 'Bad Wolf' is explained.  Rose Tyler is The Bad Wolf.  She delivers the monologue at the top of this post, stating that the power she's absorbed from the TARDIS has allowed her to spread the words back through time and space, as a path for her to follow.

So where do I come in?  Well, I'm a big believer in fate - haven't always been so, but something happened to me, a long time ago now, that ever since has completely shaped my life.  More on this at a later date, but it was this event that I was still getting over on the 26 March 2005, and the whole 'Bad Wolf' ethos really made sense to me; everything happens for a reason, you can't change the past (thank you Simba), but you can learn from it (and thank you Rafiki). 

I now regularly use the words 'Bad Wolf' as an identity; from my mobile's bluetooth, the name of my ipod and, of course, my blogging pseudonym.  Weird obssession?  Maybe.  But being The Bad Wolf reminds me why I am where I am, as well as allowing me to (ironically) be myself.  If I wrote this blog under my real name, I'd struggle to be 100% honest, as I'm one of those people that, if asked how I am, 9 times out of 10 I say 'fine thanks, you?', when really I'll feel like shit, or I'm suffering from raging pmt, or I'm stressed up to my eyeballs, or I just wanna have a bloody good cry please, and so on.

I am The Bad Wolf, and I can create myself - not a fictitious version of me, but the real me; free from the constraints of the name I was given at birth, by someone else, who had their own ideas on how I should live my life.  The words I take, and scatter in time and space are the very words I'm typing now which, thanks to the wonder of the Internet, can be read anywhere across the globe (providing there's a decent IP available), and can (unless this blog is forcibly evicted from www-land) be read now, in the present; later, in the future; or, if I publish this now (Saturday pm), and return on say, Tuesday, you dear reader (are you there?), may well have read it yesterday, in the past.  The words lead me here, to this blog, where the cycle starts all over again; which is rather convenient isn't it?  I like a nice tidy ending; ambiguity is equivalent to laziness, imho.

Really, I suppose all bloggers are 'Bad Wolves', in that we're all trying to create an identity for oursevles, and share it with the rest of the world via the Web.  But I am The Bad Wolf, and don't you forget it, lest I hunt you down, and give you  a swift nip.  My bite is defo worse than my bark...

BW xxx

PS, Bad Wolf Bay was where, at the end of Series Two, Rose and The Doctor (by now played by the love of my life, David Tennant) had to say goodbye, after the silly girl got herself trapped in a parallel universe.  With The Doctor on this side, and Rose on the other, the walls between universes were closing, and the last gap left through which they could speak was in Norway's DÃ¥rlig Ulv-Stranden - otherwise known as...  So I though it be an appropriate title for my blog; this is where I'm supposed to be.  Also, friend and Film lecturer Legend, cites the beach as a place of grief and loss, while I reckon the sea totally signifies wiping the slate clean, and starting again; so verrrrrrry relevant then.

PPS, the song in my head today; Missing You by The Saturdays.

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